Family Circle August 1958: When Turquoise Was Vogue

Turquoise was the first decorator color I remember. The August 1958 issue of Family Circle may have influenced Mom\’s choice in buying a turquoise couch in 1959. 

In this magazine variations of turquoise appears in decor, background color in ads and illustrative art, and in clothing.

 Tommy Sands likes the Halo girl. The backdrop color is, of course, turquoise.

 The Parkay package is a light blue, bordering on turquoise.

 Yep. Turquoise towels.

What great paper plate patterns! Several in turquoise.
This issue had three short stories. Note \”the girl\” looks awfully womanly.

It is no wonder I associate the color turquoise with my childhood! Mom painted the wainscoting in our house turquoise and the color showed up in lamp trims and doilies (which she pinned to a board, starched, to keep that shape)

In 1959 Mom bought her first new furniture, including the maple hutch I still own, a brown chair, a brown on ivory Colonial print chair, and a turquoise couch. Here is my brother in 1962 sitting on that couch. It had a tough nylon upholstery that never wore out, but was scratchy against the skin. Wasn\’t he cute?
In 1963 we moved to a 1920s house in Michigan. Mom painted the wall turquoise to match that couch. Here I am Christmas 1963 or 1964 sitting on that couch.

In a few years Mom redecorated. The walls became yellow. It was the beginning of a new era in decorating: Harvest Gold and Avocado. The couch was replaced. She kept the brown chair and in 1972 when I married she gave it to us. That upholstery just never wore out. We discarded it in 1976.

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